Photo Credit: Yana Paskova for The New York Times

Photo Credit: Yana Paskova for The New York Times

After the health department, restaurant critics, and filling reservations, waste is one of restaurants biggest challenges... until now. Saucy By Nature, a catering company started by Przemek Adolf is launching his first ever brick-and-mortar. The shop, by the same name, will offer a daily changing menu dedicated to using any raw materials left over from his catering service. Closing the gap on an average 49,296,540 lbs per day of food waste from full service restaurants across the country alone, Saucy isn't alone in it's mission. Upstarts like Rescuing Leftover Cusine, City Harvest and the restaurant Blue Hill are just as concerned by the staggering amount of waste in New York City. 

Carry On with Saucy By Nature




Keep an eye on Carry On Eats instagram to see our visit to Saucy. And if you live in NYC, find out where you can compost in your neighborhood